Across our diverse communities, we all deserve the freedom to be ourselves, to be treated with dignity and safe in our communities. For trans and gender diverse people in Canada, discrimination and inequality are still an everyday reality. That’s why the Society of Queer Momentum and the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity have launched a new petition, supported by MP Randall Garrison, calling on the Government of Canada to act for Trans Equality Now. You can sign the petition here.
The petition urges the federal government to implement the 29 policy solutions contained in MP Randall Garrison’s White Paper on the Status of Trans and Gender Diverse People.
Trans people are our neighbors, our friends, and our family. They contribute to our communities, our culture and our economy. As we witness rising hate targeting trans and queer people, the progress we have made is at risk. When we deny one group the freedom to be themselves, dignity and safety, it impacts all of us.
Together, we can speak up for trans and gender diverse equality. We can speak up for a Canada where everyone is free to be themselves, treated with dignity and safe in their communities.
Take action today:
Sign our petition calling on the Government of Canada to act for #TransEqualityNow.
Spread the word on your social media
To help spread the word, here’s a template message you can use, and a visual you can include!
Template 1:
No matter who we are or how we identify, we all deserve the freedom to be ourselves, to be treated with dignity and safe in our communities.
That's why we're urging the Government of Canada to act for #TransEqualityNow.
Sign our petition:
Template 2:
Trans people in Canada face high rates of discrimination, hate and homelessness. Rising hate threatens to worsen the already harsh socio-economic circumstances of trans people.
That's why we're urging the federal government to deliver #TransEqualityNow:
Template 3:
We need #TransEqualityNow. As hate rises, our communities need real leadership from the Government of Canada to dismantle discrimination against transgender people.
Sign our petition urging the government to act: